[{"Index_ID":3,"Name":"Global Cybersecurity Index","ShortName":"GCI","Description":"Cybersecurity becomes an imperative as institutions are moving increasingly to digital platforms. Developed by International Telecom Union, The Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) measures the commitment of countries to cybersecurity at a global level to raise awareness of the importance and different dimensions of the issue.It is composed by five pillars – (i) Legal Measures, (ii) Technical Measures, (iii) Organizational Measures, (iv) Capacity Building, and (v) Cooperation.","URL":"https:\/\/www.itu.int\/en\/ITU-D\/Cybersecurity\/Pages\/global-cybersecurity-index.aspx"},{"Index_ID":4,"Name":"Global Gender Gap Index","ShortName":"GGG","Description":"Gender parity has a fundamental bearing on whether or not economies and societies thrive. Developing and deploying one-half of the world’s available talent has a huge bearing on the growth, competitiveness and future-readiness of economies and businesses worldwide. The index’s rankings, produced by WEF, offer an effective means to benchmark progress. They are designed to create global awareness of the challenges that gender gaps pose, as well as the opportunities that emerge when action is taken to reduce them.","URL":"https:\/\/www.weforum.org\/reports\/global-gender-gap-report-2022\/"},{"Index_ID":5,"Name":"ICT Development Index","ShortName":"ICT","Description":"ICTs could not positively impact national development unless there is an appropriate access and use of these technologies in the country. Produced by the International Telecom Union (ITU), The ICT Development Index (IDI), is a composite index that combines 11 indicators into one benchmark measure. It is used to monitor and compare developments in information and communication technology (ICT) between countries and over time. IDI focuses on three aspects: ICT Access, Use and Impact. ","URL":"https:\/\/www.itu.int\/hub\/publication\/d-ind-ict_mdd-2023-2\/"},{"Index_ID":6,"Name":"Network Readiness Index","ShortName":"NRI","Description":"Digital transformation needs the availability of appropriate infrastructure, skilled human resources, adequate governance and impact on national development. Developed by Portulans Institute, this index assesses 134 economies based on their performance across 60 variables. The Index includes four fundamental dimensions: Technology, People, Governance and Impact. This holistic approach means that the NRI covers issues ranging from future technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) to the role of the digital economy in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).","URL":"https:\/\/networkreadinessindex.org\/"},{"Index_ID":7,"Name":"Global Innovation Index","ShortName":"GII","Description":"To take full advantage of innovation on national level, a mature ecosystem is needed. Developed by World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Global Innovation Index (GII) measures the innovation ecosystem on national level by covering 3 dimensions: innovation input, innovation output and innovation efficiency. ","URL":"https:\/\/www.globalinnovationindex.org\/"},{"Index_ID":8,"Name":"Doing Business Index","ShortName":"DBI","Description":"The Doing Business index provides objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement across 190 economies and selected cities at the subnational and regional level.Launched in 2002 by the World Bank, the index looks at domestic small and medium-size companies and measures the regulations applying to them through their life cycle.","URL":"https:\/\/www.doingbusiness.org\/"},{"Index_ID":9,"Name":"E-Government Development Index","ShortName":"EGDI","Description":"More and more in the world, public institutions are transforming their services to deliver them online. UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) develops this index to assess the digital government development of the 193 United Nations Member States in identifying their strengths, challenges and opportunities, as well as informing policies and strategies. This index supports countries’ efforts to provide effective, accountable and inclusive digital services to all and to bridge the digital divides in fulfilling the principle of leaving no one behind. ","URL":"https:\/\/publicadministration.un.org\/egovkb\/en-us\/Reports\/UN-E-Government-Survey-2022"},{"Index_ID":10,"Name":"Digital Accessibility Rights Evaluation","ShortName":"DARE","Description":"Allowing persons with disability to access digital devices has important socio-economic impact on the national level.This Index is a benchmarking tool, developed by G3ict, for disability advocates, governments, civil society, international organizations and policy makers to trace country progress in making Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) accessible for all, in compliance with Article 9 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).","URL":"https:\/\/g3ict.org\/digital-accessibility-rights-evaluation-index\/"},{"Index_ID":11,"Name":"Global Competitiveness Index","ShortName":"GCI","Description":"This index assesses the competitiveness landscape of 141 economies, providing unique insight into the drivers of economic growth in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It aims to provide insights about economic growth, which remains crucial for improving living standards. It also explores the relationship between competitiveness, shared prosperity and environmental sustainability, showing that there is no inherent trade-off between building competitiveness, creating more equitable societies that provide opportunity for all and transitioning to environmentally sustainable systems. ","URL":"https:\/\/www.weforum.org\/reports\/the-global-competitiveness-report-2020\/ "},{"Index_ID":12,"Name":"E-Participation index ","ShortName":"EPI","Description":"Digital technologies allow today to easily engage citizens in public decision-making processes and to let them participate in public consultations. The e-participation index (EPI) is derived as a supplementary index to the UN E-Government Survey. It extends the dimension of the Survey by focusing on the use of online services to facilitate provision of information by governments to citizens (“e-information sharing”), interaction with stakeholders (“e-consultation”), and engagement in decision-making processes (“e-decision making”).The goal of e-participation initiatives should be to improve the citizen's access to information and public services; and promote participation in public decision-making which impacts the well-being of society, in general, and the individual, in particular.","URL":"https:\/\/publicadministration.un.org\/egovkb\/en-us\/Reports\/UN-E-Government-Survey-2022"},{"Index_ID":13,"Name":"B2C E-Commerce Index","ShortName":"B2C","Description":"The UNCTAD B2C E-commerce Index measures an economy’s preparedness to support online shopping. The index consists of four indicators that are highly related to online shopping and for which there is wide country coverageThe extent to which people shop online in a country is highly correlated with the value of the index","URL":"https:\/\/unctad.org\/system\/files\/official-document\/tn_unctad_ict4d17_en.pdf"},{"Index_ID":14,"Name":"AI Readiness Index","ShortName":"AIRI","Description":"The Gov AI readiness index measures national preparedness to harness AI technology for development. The index consists of 3 pillars, that cover 10 dimensions. The scores of these dimensions are calculated based on 33 KPIs.The index shows that there is a global commitment to AI, as the number of national AI strategies is increasing.","URL":"https:\/\/www.oxfordinsights.com\/government-ai-readiness-index-2022"},{"Index_ID":16,"Name":"Open Data Inventory Index","ShortName":"ODII","Description":"This index evaluates and assesses the countries published data on the official website of the national statistical office (NSO)It includes 10 pillars distributed evenly as follows, 5 pillars that assess the coverage side, and coverage here means the availability of this data, and the rest 5 pillars assess the openness side. All pillars have the same 22 KPIs that are grouped into 3 data categories, 10 KPIs related to the social statistics category, 7 KPIs for the economic statistics category, and the rest 5 KPIs for the environment statistics category. The last release of this index (2020) covers 185 countries that are classified even small countries whose area is 1,500 km2 or less, or large countries that are the most.","URL":"https:\/\/odin.opendatawatch.com\/"},{"Index_ID":1016,"Name":"Global Knowledge Index","ShortName":"GKI","Description":"The Global Knowledge Index (GKI) provides data that can help countries and decision makers to understand and respond to related transformations and challenges related to knowledge and innovation. It assesses seven sub-indices, chosen both for their correlative interactive relationships and their centrality to the process of cognitive and developmental progress.","URL":"https:\/\/www.knowledge4all.com\/gki"},{"Index_ID":1020,"Name":"Development Challenges Index","ShortName":"DCI","Description":"The Development Challenges Index measures shortfalls in three key dimensions, namely (i) quality-adjusted human development, (ii) environmental sustainability and (iii) governance. This index offers an analytical toolkit that could trigger policy dialogue to address these challenges at the global, regional and national levels.","URL":"https:\/\/www.unescwa.org\/publications\/develpomet-challenges-index-measurement-robustness"},{"Index_ID":1021,"Name":"Women Business and the Law index 1.0","ShortName":"WBLI","Description":"Women, Business and the Law identifies how laws and regulations impact women’s life, and economic opportunities. The index is structured around the main elements shaping women’s life : Mobility, Workplace, Pay, Marriage, Parenthood, Entrepreneurship, Assets and Pension.","URL":"https:\/\/wbl.worldbank.org\/en\/wbl-data"},{"Index_ID":1022,"Name":"Women Peace and Security Index","ShortName":"WPSI","Description":"Women, Peace, and Security Index provides important insights into patterns and progress on women’s status and empowerment around the world in the three dimensions inclusion, justice, and security using 13 indicators.","URL":"https:\/\/giwps.georgetown.edu\/the-index\/"},{"Index_ID":1023,"Name":"Globalization Index","ShortName":"GI","Description":"The Index measure the country's efforts to open it's economy and strengthen its economy ties with partners through the selected economic integration channels: exports, imports, exports-non oil, Imports non-oil, worker remittances-inflows, workers remittances outflows, Foreign Direct Investment-Inflows, Foreign Direct Investment-Outflows.","URL":"https:\/\/simaei.unescwa.org\/Dashboard\/BilateralLevel.html"},{"Index_ID":1024,"Name":"Financial Inclusiveness Index","ShortName":"FII","Description":"Financial inclusiveness is a key component of economic integration, participation and growth. It has significant impact on inequalities, especially for women access to work and economic activity. The index comprises of three parameters including Access, Usage and Barriers.","URL":""},{"Index_ID":1025,"Name":"Food Security Index","ShortName":"FSI","Description":"The Global Food Security Index evaluates how effectively a country can meet its population’s calorific and nutritional needs, while also examining the impact of external factors such as agricultural infrastructure, political stability, and climate risks, among others. Developed by Economist Impact and supported by Corteva Agriscience, it evaluates food security in 113 countries across four key pillars: Affordability, Availability, Quality and Safety, Natural Resources and Resilience.","URL":"https:\/\/impact.economist.com\/sustainability\/project\/food-security-index\/download-the-index"},{"Index_ID":1026,"Name":"Open Data Policies","ShortName":"ODP","Description":"The Open data policies indicator measures the existence of national strategies that promote the safe and widespread use of the Internet. Provided by the Economic Intelligence Unit as part of the Inclusive Internet Index. ","URL":"https:\/\/theinclusiveinternet.eiu.com\/"},{"Index_ID":1027,"Name":"Human Development Index","ShortName":"HDI","Description":"The Human Development Index is a summary composite measure of a country's average achievements in three basic aspects of human development: long and healthy life, knowledge and standard of living.","URL":"https:\/\/hdr.undp.org\/data-center\/human-development-index#\/indicies\/HDI"},{"Index_ID":1028,"Name":"Human Capital Index","ShortName":"HCI","Description":"The Human Capital Index (HCI) calculates the level of human capital that a child born today might anticipate having by the time they turn 18 years old, taking into account the risks associated with poor health and inadequate educational opportunities in their nation.","URL":"https:\/\/www.worldbank.org\/en\/publication\/human-capital"},{"Index_ID":1029,"Name":"FDI Restrictiveness Index","ShortName":"FDI","Description":"The FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index, gauges legal barriers to foreign direct investment. The four major categories of FDI limitations are used to evaluate how restrictive a nation's FDI regulations are: 1) Limits on foreign stock; 2) Discriminatory screening or approval methods; 3) Limitations on hiring foreigners as key employees; and 4) Additional operational constraints, such as limitations on branching, capital repatriation, or land ownership by foreign-owned firms.","URL":"https:\/\/www.oecd.org\/investment\/fdiindex.htm"},{"Index_ID":1030,"Name":"Gender Development Index","ShortName":"GDI","Description":"The Gender Development Index (GDI) tracks gender disparities in achievement across three fundamental areas of human development: health (measured by life expectancy at birth), education (measured by expected years of schooling for children and mean years of schooling for adults ages 25 and older), and control of economic resources (measured by estimated earned income for women and men).","URL":"https:\/\/hdr.undp.org\/gender-development-index#\/indicies\/GDI"},{"Index_ID":1031,"Name":"Planetary pressures-adjusted Human Development Index","ShortName":"PHDI","Description":"Planetary pressures-adjusted HDI (PHDI): HDI value adjusted by the level of carbon dioxide emissions and material footprint per capita to account for the excessive human pressure on the planet.","URL":"https:\/\/hdr.undp.org\/planetary-pressures-adjusted-human-development-index#\/indicies\/PHDI"},{"Index_ID":1032,"Name":"Sustainable Development Index","ShortName":"SDI","Description":"The SDG Index is a unique worldwide study that assesses the progress of countries in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, providing a comprehensive evaluation of each country's position in relation to these goals.","URL":"https:\/\/dashboards.sdgindex.org\/"},{"Index_ID":1033,"Name":"Travel and Tourism Development Index","ShortName":"TTD","Description":"The index provides unique insights into the strengths and areas for development of each country to support their efforts to enhance the long-term growth of their T&T sector in a sustainable and resilient manner. The index is comprised of five subindexes, 17 pillars and 112 individual indicators, distributed among the different pillars.","URL":"https:\/\/www.weforum.org\/reports\/travel-and-tourism-development-index-2021\/"},{"Index_ID":1034,"Name":"Environmental Performance Index","ShortName":"EPI","Description":"The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) assesses and ranks 180 countries in terms of their performance in three key areas: climate change, environmental health, and ecosystem vitality. These indicators serve as a national-scale measure of how well countries are progressing toward established environmental policy objectives. The resulting scorecard not only identifies those excelling and lagging in environmental sustainability but also offers valuable insights and recommendations for nations looking to advance their policy initiatives more rapidly.","URL":"https:\/\/epi.yale.edu\/"},{"Index_ID":1035,"Name":"Women Business and the Law index 2.0","ShortName":"WBL2","Description":"WBL 2.0 introduces updated data for 10 legal indicators, maintaining 8 from WBL 1.0 (Mobility, Workplace, Pay, Marriage, Parenthood, Entrepreneurship, Assets, and Pension) with modifications, and adding Safety and Childcare indicators. The data covers 40 data points across the indicators, with scores based on each economy's average across all 10 topics, rated on a scale of 0 to 100 where higher scores signify greater gender equality.","URL":"https:\/\/wbl.worldbank.org\/en\/wbl-data"},{"Index_ID":1036,"Name":"World Press Freedom Index","ShortName":"WPF","Description":"The World Press Freedom Index, published annually by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), ranks 180 countries based on the freedom and independence afforded to journalists. This comprehensive index evaluates press freedom through a detailed questionnaire that examines five key categories: political context, legal framework, economic context, sociocultural context, and security. It focuses solely on the ability of journalists to operate without constraints and does not assess the quality of journalism or broader human rights issues within the assessed nations.","URL":"https:\/\/rsf.org\/en\/index"},{"Index_ID":1037,"Name":"World Bank GovTech Maturity Index","ShortName":"GTMI","Description":"The GovTech Maturity Index (GTMI) update report and the accompanying dataset and new data dashboard present the progress in four GovTech focus areas within the last two years, highlight some of the good practices, and identify existing gaps for possible improvements in countries at the technology frontier. Over 850+ country officials from 135 economies participated directly in this update, and new indicators were introduced to measure the use and performance of existing government platforms. As with the 2020 edition, economies are grouped, not ranked, to illustrate the state of GovTech focus areas globally.","URL":"https:\/\/www.worldbank.org\/en\/programs\/govtech\/gtmi"},{"Index_ID":1038,"Name":"Public Administration Index","ShortName":"PAI","Description":"The Public Administration Index (PAI) is a composite measure developed by ESCWA and designed to evaluate a country's performance across eight thematic pillars, capturing the breadth of public governance and institutional effectiveness. Each dimension within the index represents a core aspect of public administration, collectively offering an integrated summary of average achievements in governance quality and institutional effectiveness. This index assesses the performance of governments in resource management, public policy implementation, and citizen engagement, ultimately reflecting the overall quality of public sector performance and service delivery. It provides an evidence-based assessment of how well public administration functions in critical areas, helping to identify strengths, gaps, and areas for improvement in public governance. It also serves as a diagnostic tool for policy makers and stakeholders to help benchmark performance, drive reforms, and foster best practices that enhance the governance and administrative capacities essential for achieving sustainable development.","URL":"#"},{"Index_ID":1039,"Name":"Inclusive Internet Index","ShortName":"III","Description":"The Inclusive Internet Index aims to assess not only the accessibility and affordability of the internet but also its relevance for all users, facilitating engagement that leads to positive social and economic impacts for individuals and communities. This index features 62 indicators categorized into four main areas across 100 countries.","URL":"https:\/\/impact.economist.com\/projects\/inclusive-internet-index\/"},{"Index_ID":1041,"Name":"Testing Index","ShortName":"TTT","Description":"Testing Index Description","URL":"https:\/\/ispar.unescwa.org"},{"Index_ID":1042,"Name":"Logistic Performance Index","ShortName":"LPI","Description":"The LPI is an interactive benchmarking tool designed to help countries identify their trade logistics challenges and opportunities, as well as strategies for improvement.","URL":"https:\/\/lpi.worldbank.org\/"}]